Advertising Blimps - Texas Blimps

Advertising Blimps

Texas Advertising Blimps Work 24/7!                                  

Call 1-800-791-1445 for advertising blimps and balloons.

Your helium advertising blimp will work day and night for you! Our larger advertising blimps can be made to shine at night. Our simple, easy to use system will give you night after night of brilliant advertising.

You'll love the visibility brought by your advertising blimp!

We offer many different sizes of big advertising blimps. Advertising blimps are a cost-effective means to convey your message. Blimps can be made custom by having the body one or more colors and the fins one or more different colors.

Larger advertising blimps can also have hanging vertical banners attached to them.
Advertising blimps can attract attention from miles away or a booth away.
Light kits are available for larger advertising blimps.

COLORS! COLORS! COLORS! Don't settle for a white blimp if you don't want white. We have many brilliant advertising blimp colors available at no additional charge.

Our blimp material is TOUGH! It is 3.5 mil thick and made of a special material developed for NASA. If you were given a one foot square piece you couldn't pull it apart.

Our blimps have one tenth the leakage of a PVC blimp and is much lighter so it flys much better.
If you're going to purchase a blimp please let us send you a sample of our material. Our advertising blimps are easy to fill, no rubber bands to twist.

We have a simple plug you pull to open and push to close. You will save money every time you fill your blimp. The material we use is light weight yet much stronger than PVC and you will use much less helium.

Helium advertising blimps for sale in Texas Texas blimps - advertising blimps
Advertising blimps for sale in Texas Texas blimps for sale
Give us a call or email with any questions! We have hundreds of advertising blimps in stock! 1-800-791-1445
Helium Balloons
Advertising Blimps Prices

2016 Texas Blimps | call 1-800-791-1445   email:EMAIL Texas Blimps! Blimps for Sale in Texas